Sedation Treatment in Davie

Overcome Dental Anxiety With Regency

Sedation Treatment Near You

The main reason people dread visiting the dentist is due to the association of dental work and pain. Sedation can help ease this apprehension and anxiety towards dental visits. It works by ensuring that patients will not feel any pain or discomfort during their dental procedure.

What Is Sedation Dentistry in Davie, FL 33330 ?

It is the administration of anesthesia prior to a dental procedure to ensure the patient’s mouth is numbed and relaxed during the dental treatment. There are different types of sedatives used by dentists:

General Anesthesia, or intravenous sedatives (IV), will cause the patient to become unconscious or have diminished awareness while awake, making them unaware of what occurred during the procedure. The effect also might linger way after the procedure is over depending on the dosage and the patient’s sensitivity to it.

Oral Sedatives might take a while to take effect, so dentists would advise patients to take it an hour prior to the procedure. An example of an oral sedative is diazepam.

Nitrous Oxide involves inhaling a gas that causes patients to relax during the procedure. The effect wears off quickly.

Local Anesthesia is administered through a small syringe applied along the gumline. This will numb the mouth until the procedure is over.

How Does Sedation Work?

If the dentist recommends IV sedation in Davie, FL 33330, the patient might be asked to fast for a period of time or to stop certain medications they may be taking to ensure there is no conflict or issues when taking the IV sedation.

Nitrous oxide sedation near you doesn’t need any preparation at all. The patient will be administered doses of it through inhalation until the procedure is over.

For oral sedatives, following the dentist prescriptions and the instructions on the label ensures full effectivity of the drug.

Who Needs Sedation?

It is recommended for people that have bad experiences with any dental procedures in the past, those that have an overwhelming fear of the dentist office, those that have anxiety issues, or those that have sensitive oral nerves. The type of sedation in Davie, FL 33330 depends on the type of procedure being done and the recommendation of the dentist.