types of dental implants

Types of Dental Implants

Whether you have one or several missing teeth, dental implants in Davie may be the optimal solution for you. This is a permanent and natural-looking restoration that offers several benefits to your oral health and overall well-being. Many dentists consider dental implants to be an ideal option for tooth replacement because they are the only replacement option that mimics both the appearance and function of natural teeth.

There are several kinds of dental implants that can be used to enhance your oral health, and in this blog post, our team at Regency Square Dental tells you all about the kinds of dental implants that can be used to replace your missing teeth.

Single Dental Implant

A single dental implant is made from a biocompatible titanium implant post that is surgically implanted into your jawbone and acts as a replacement for your tooth root. Once this implant post goes through a process called osseointegration, where it fuses to your jawbone and becomes a permanent part of your anatomy, your dentist near you will secure a fake tooth to the post using an abutment.

This kind of dental implant works to replace a single missing tooth; however, patients can benefit from multiple single dental implants, depending on their specific oral health needs. A dental implant works to fill the gaps left behind by missing teeth, improving the appearance of a patient’s smile and boosting their self-confidence.

Implant-Supported Dental Bridge

An implant-supported dental bridge works to replace three or more teeth in a row and is the most permanent form of dental bridge available. Implant-supported dental bridges use two biocompatible titanium posts to secure the dental bridge in your mouth, which is made of several false teeth.

Individuals who have several missing teeth can find it challenging to speak or eat normally. Dental implants near you work to improve these oral functions, with the added benefit of patients not having to worry about their fixtures slipping out of place. While there are many options for dental bridges, implant-supported bridges are the best choice. With implant-supported dental bridges, you will notice more restorative benefits with lower required maintenance.

All-On-Four Dental Implants

If you are missing almost all of your teeth, dentures aren’t your only option. You can get all-on-four dental implants to replace an entire arch of upper or lower teeth. This restorative device uses four precisely placed titanium implant posts that support a full arch of false teeth. When you visit a dentist in Davie for all-on-four dental implants, you will benefit from a natural-looking, permanent dental restoration that will restore your speaking and eating abilities and boost your confidence for a lifetime.

Visit Regency Square Dental

You don’t have to live with embarrassment, frustration, and discomfort if you have missing teeth. You can replace one or several missing teeth effectively and permanently with dental implants.

To learn if you are a good candidate for dental implants, please do not hesitate to contact our dedicated team of dental professionals at Regency Square Dental. We are happy to provide you with options for single dental implants, implant-supported dental bridges, and all-on-four dental implants. Please get in touch with us to book your comprehensive oral evaluation with our highly-qualified dentist today.

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